The Situation today

The problem of the lack of parking facilities for trucks has now also reached the media and is generally known.
Missing truck parking spaces and the tightening of the adherence to driving and rest times require more and more truckers to drastic parking maneuvers, which usually mean massive and above all life-threatening interventions in the flowing traffic on motorways, especially in and before the entrances and exits of rest areas. Unlit trucks in entrances and exits, which continue in long rows on the narrow side strips of many motorways are increasingly part of everyday life, but also to everyday rear-end collisions, which all too often end fatally.

The new parking space for buses and trucks must be created, all people should actually agree on this, if there were not too often Karl the Beetle, Fluppi the threatened snail and other pseudo-alibis against the development of extended rest areas. Too often, already begun developments fail because of natural good-rage-against-everything - citizens and unscrupulous local politicians, for whom voter capture over trendy eco-topics is more important than actual human lives.
Death trap rest area
Unfortunately, the grievances in the existing parking lots are less well known due to the lack of protection of the park users. Again and again, truck drivers and now also mobile campers are victims of violence by gangs of thieves, which always proceed unscrupulously to steal a cargo or valuables.
In addition to the increasing number of accidents of trucks due to fatigue, it is all the more frightening that truck drivers or trucks become the focus of terrorists, as the attacks in Berlin, Barcelona, Nice and Stockholm showed most vividly. The truck as a weapon is a scenario that is not yet conceivable in its overall extent. For these reasons, it is now all the more important to act immediately and to initiate preventive measures in order to protect not only the truck drivers (which would be long overdue) but the general good of the general public. It is also particularly important to gain an overview and control of small trucks and transporters.
Further criteria are inadequate or missing sanitary facilities, affordable accommodation as well as social and medical facilities. This is particularly important considering the current legislation on driving and rest periods.
At the same time, more and more resistance is forming on the part of the population. Often in the form of citizen movements with signature collections and/or online petitions against all development projects for new parking spaces or rest areas, especially for buses and trucks. Burglaries as well as robbery and sexual offences in residential and industrial areas adjacent to rest areas are repeatedly and frequently recorded. In most cases, these rest areas are used as confusing and fast escape routes by criminals, who can hardly be caught. At the same time, contamination of the rest areas as well as the surrounding area and prostitution also play an essential part in forming public opinion.
A typical example, German wrong planning
no room for trucks